The Mangalashtak is a set of eight auspicious verses chanted during Hindu weddings. These verses, also known as Ashtapadi, are recited to invoke blessings for a blissful and prosperous married life. In most traditional Indian weddings, these verses are chanted at a significant moment when the rituals are being performed around the sacred fire (Agni) as a part of the wedding ceremony. We will do our best to breakdown each verse. So, when you are attending an indian wedding, you can understand what is occurring under the mandap.
Here are the eight verses in Sanskrit along with their meanings:
Verse 1:
Jay Jay Jay Mangalamaya Jay Jay Jay Jay Mahashaya
Vivahamangale Kame Ratimaye Vardayini
Jay Jay Jay Mangalamaya: This can be translated as “Victory, victory, victory to the one who brings auspiciousness and goodness.” It’s an invocation of blessings and good fortune.
Jay Jay Jay Jay Mahashaya: “Victory, victory, victory to the great one.” It praises or extols someone of significant importance or greatness.
Vivahamangale Kame Ratimaye: “In the auspicious occasion of the wedding, bestow upon us desire and love.” It’s a prayer for the blessings of love and desire in the context of the wedding.
Vardayini: This word means “bestower” or “grantor.” In this context, it refers to the one who grants or bestows blessings.
Verse 2:
Paramarthi Cha Yukte Cha Punyatirtha Visheshatah
Gangadya Tirthayatrayam Shauche Cha Tapasi Nityada
Paramarthi Cha Yukte Cha: “Both for the attainment of the highest truth…”
Punyatirtha Visheshatah: “…and specifically for the sacred pilgrimage places.”
Gangadya Tirthayatrayam: “The three places of pilgrimage such as the Ganges (Ganga) and others…”
Shauche Cha Tapasi Nityada: “…and purity through continuous austerity.”
Verse 3:
Bhootirupena Deveshi Bhagyashalini Rupini
Prema Rupena Vairagye Gunatah Vardayini
Bhootirupena Deveshi: “As the deity in the form of existence or manifestation.”
Bhagyashalini Rupini: “Having the form of one who brings fortune or auspiciousness.”
Prema Rupena Vairagye: “In the form of love, yet detached or dispassionate.”
Gunatah Vardayini: “Bestowing virtues or qualities.”
Verse 4:
Svarnarupena Putrini Dhanashrirupini Tatha
Putra Dara Dhanashrisu Gunah Santah Pradayini
Svarnarupena Putrini: “In the form of a daughter (putrini) as precious as gold (svarnarupena).”
Dhanashrirupini Tatha: “Also in the form of wealth (dhana) and prosperity (shri).”
Putra Dara Dhanashrisu: “In sons (putra), spouses (dara), wealth (dhana), and prosperity (shri).”
Gunah Santah Pradayini: “Bearing (pradayini) good qualities (gunah santah).”
Verse 5:
Vidhavavratena Yukteapi Vadhurupena Pativrata
Bharyabharyau Cha Yuktesve Bhaktirupena Visheshatah
Vidhavavratena Yukteapi: “Even if she is bound by the vow of widowhood (vidhavavratena yukteapi)…”
Vadhurupena Pativrata: “…she is devoted to her husband (pativrata) in the form of a wife (vadhurupena).”
Bharyabharyau Cha Yuktesve: “In the presence of both wife and non-wife (bharya-abharya)…”
Bhaktirupena Visheshatah: “…she is specifically in the form of devotion (bhaktirupena).”
Verse 6:
Vagdane Cha Tatha Bhaktistirthasnanne Cha Nityada
Tapah Santoshayogeshi Nanapoojayam Visheshatah
Vagdane Cha Tatha: “In speaking (vagdane) as well…”
Bhaktistirthasnanne Cha Nityada: “…in the constant bathing (tirthasnanne) of devotion (bhakti)…”
Tapah Santoshayogeshi: “…in the practice of contentment (santosha) and the union (yogeshi) with austerity (tapah)…”
Nanapoojayam Visheshatah: “…specifically in various forms of worship (nanapoojayam).”
Verse 7:
Archane Cha Jape Chaiva Satkarme Cha Nityada Tatha
Mahapunyeapi Yukteapi Dharmaacharyau Sudridhyatam
Archane Cha Jape Chaiva Satkarme Cha Nityada Tatha: “In worship (archane), chanting (jape), and good deeds (satkarme) always…”
Mahapunyeapi Yukteapi: “…even in great virtuous acts (mahapunyeapi) and bindings (yukteapi)…”
Dharmaacharyau Sudridhyatam: “…there should be firmness (sudridhyatam) in righteous conduct (dharmaacharyau).”
Verse 8:
Kuberam Dhanamapnoti Sarve Tani Pure Sthite
Preetayapi Viva
“By residing happily in the city (or town), one acquires wealth akin to the riches of Kubera (the god of wealth).”